I wanted so badly to be with all of you on Saturday when the news came down that our presidential candidate Donald J. Trump had been shot. I wasn’t at home when this happened, but I was thinking of all of you (my radio audience and readers) and my family.
As the news started to unfold, it became obvious that God was present. While there was great loss that day, there could have been many more deaths and injuries including the main target, President Donald John Trump. I also noticed that the crowd did not panic and stampede, which would have caused more injuries and possibly deaths. God’s spirit was there, of that, I am sure.
A hero was lost as Corey Comperatore threw his body over his family to protect them. The left call all Trump or MAGA supporters deplorable, but Corey is a hero, which is rare and beautifully admirable. We pray for his family and friends as they grieve, and then find a way forward in life. We pray for the speedy recovery of those injured, and we pray for the emotions of all who witnessed the horrific and evil event that day.
There have been many who have said to me that it’s too late, America has gone too far down the road of socialism and cannot be saved. I said with God all things are possible. Last week, I remembered reading in Genesis 18 when Abraham asked God to spare Sodom, if there were only a few “good men” left there. After reading that, I prayed to God that we, America, would have just a few, or just one good man, please let him, or them rise up for You, and spare (save) America.
Saturday, when watching the assassination attempt over and over again, I realized that God was there, and knew God was answering my prayers (our prayers) and showing mercy on America again.
America, God has not left us!
We Must Be Faithful, Be Strong, Be Courageous…
Yet We Must All Be Cautious.
We must not go forth in anger and hate, but in Love. Remember, meek does not mean weak! To love does not mean to compromise God’s Word or His Laws. We must pray for those who claim to be our enemies… but we don’t have to VOTE for them!
It is obvious that on Saturday God spared our President Trump from the evil intended to him. When I heard his ear was pierced by the bullet, I thought of this scripture, and a song I heard and sang many years ago, Pierce My Ear.
The scripture is from: Exodus 21:1-6 - “Now these are the rules that you shall set before them. 2 When you buy a Hebrew slave,[a] he shall serve six years, and in the seventh he shall go out free, for nothing. 3 If he comes in single, he shall go out single; if he comes in married, then his wife shall go out with him. 4 If his master gives him a wife and she bears him sons or daughters, the wife and her children shall be her master's, and he shall go out alone. 5 But if the slave plainly says, ‘I love my master, my wife, and my children; I will not go out free,’ 6 then his master shall bring him to God, and he shall bring him to the door or the doorpost. And his master shall bore his ear through with an awl, and he shall be his slave forever.”
Pierce My Ear by Steven Croft Pierce my ear, oh, Lord, my God Take me to Your door this day I will serve no other God Lord, I'm here to stay For you have paid the price for me With Your blood You ransomed me I will serve You eternally A free man I'll never be Pierce my ear, oh, Lord, my God Take me to Your door this day I will serve no other God Lord, I'm here to stay, to stay For you have paid the price for me With Your blood You ransomed me I will serve You eternally A free man I'll never be A free man I'll never be
Did God pierce Donald John Trump’s ear and mark him as His? I believe He did.
As I was finishing this article the announcement came; J.D. Vance from Ohio will be President Trump’s VP.
Pierce My Ear oh Lord my God; I belong to thee; may America also be yours forever!
Bring America Home. ©
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