Recently you made the statement, along with Kid Rock, that Americans should let up on the Bud Light boycott. While they have lost a lot of customers and money, I have not heard an outright apology for their support of men pretending to be women. I normally don’t disagree with you, but on this topic, I do!
Allow me to explain:
Bud Light lost no income on my account, as I am not a drinker. I did however discontinue shopping at Target when they pushed their transgender ideology above family. In 2020 I stopped shopping at Kohls because they refused to support the blue. A couple of years later I forgave them, but, then they too decided to promote transgender ideology over traditional American families; therefore, I no longer shop at Kohls. I used to also shop at Ulta Beauty, until I walked into their store, and they had a large display with pictures of transmen and drag queens, I no longer frequent the Ulta store for my beauty products.
I believe that We the People have been patient and unfortunately apathetic for far too long. In many respects, We the People are the ones who have allowed the evils to lead in our beautiful America.
I very much enjoyed your speech last evening for the National Religious Broadcasters, in Nashville, Tennessee. I try to listen to your rallies and speeches as much as possible! Last evening, however, I found encouragement in your words. You are never negative but your words to Christians last evening were promising. (Protect our religious rights and protecting Israel.)
The very foundation of our Beautiful America is under attack, as you well know. The globalists must destroy America’s sovereignty, faith in God, the institution of family, all private property ownership, and our Constitutional Republic. Along with all their destruction, they absolutely must keep us all divided, for if we unite (as we should be as a people) they are toast!
To forgive or have revenge:
I cringe when all these hosts and commentators ask you if you will seek revenge for those who are “going after Trump.” I do not believe you should seek revenge, however, Mr. President, I do believe the American people need to see truth and justice prevail.
You often say that “they” are really coming after We the People, but you are standing in their way. Thank you for that Mr. President. “They” are breaking the law, acting unconstitutionally and “they” are causing great harm to this nation and all the people. “They” will never be sorry for what “they” have done, and “they” will continue to do these horrible evil things, which “they” do. There should be accountability for the crimes that each has committed. Their crimes against you and others who have supported you, have been quite grievous. What “they” do to you and to others,” they” also do to the American people as “they” tear down our Constitutional Republic. Punishments under the law must take place! I do not know how to begin, as there are so many who have participated in this coup against you and against our Constitution. From the FBI, the lying CIA, the corrupt DOJ, and the many elected officials who lied in congress. It is curious to me why it is a crime to lie to congress, but it is not a crime for congress persons to lie to the American People. I also believe the FAKE NEWS media must be held accountable for the propaganda and lies that were knowingly fed to all Americans.
With that said, I beg you not to take revenge but please seek justice on all accounts against this nation. I suspect you have a very tender heart, but in this, we can no longer tolerate those who hate America, who have tried to destroy America, or those who have sold out America! The crimes of these cannot be swept under the rug. Their crimes must be exposed publicly, and punishment must be delivered, not for revenge but for Constitutional Justice!
America was a free nation because our Founding Fathers, while not perfect men, were men of virtue. They did, however, believe in justice under the law, and we should too.
According to John Adams, “Public virtue cannot exist in a Nation without private virtue, and public virtue is the only Foundation of Republics.” George Washington commented, “Virtue or morality is a necessary spring of popular government, and human rights can only be assured among a virtuous people.” James Madison also stated, “To suppose that any form of government will secure Liberty or happiness without any virtue in the people, is a chimerical (imaginary) idea.”
I find it enlightening and truly prophetic at times when I read the words of our Founding Fathers. Samuel Adams said, “Neither the wisest constitution nor the wisest laws will secrete the Liberty and happiness of a people whose manners are universally corrupt. He therefore is the truest friend of Liberty of his country who tries most to promote its virtue.”
John Adams also commented, “Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.”
That one statement reveals exactly why they started long ago the lie of “Separation of Church and State.” They must remove the virtues, morality, and faith of the Christian Faith.
Thomas Jefferson said this, “When once a Republic is corrupted, there is no possibility of remedying any of the growing evils but by removing the corruption and restoring its lost principles; every other correction is either useless or a new evil.”
Justice, Mr. President, will be success and that will be determined as We the People remove the corruption from our government. One way is our vote (we must have fair and honest elections), the other way is through a true justice system, which holds all people to the same laws. The separation of power in the three branches of our government is necessary for accountability and for Liberty.
You have my vote Mr. President! I own and host a nationally syndicated radio talk show, which is based in the heartland of America. I support you and encourage my listeners to do the same. And Mr. President, I open each show with prayer, and you are always included in my daily on-air prayers.
I am the voice of rural America – I have many questions for you that the other media will never ask, perhaps that will be the topic of another letter to you.
America is not ready to forgive these WOKE companies who have betrayed us. Our vote and our dollars are our voices. Bud Light, Target, Kohls, and others are hearing the American consumers, but they have not yet turned from the WOKE agenda and their commitment to globalism, to respect Americans.
Revenge is not the American way; truth and justice are the virtues for which We the People stand!
Last night you said that America needs God; so true! I use your acronym MAGA to represent Make America Godly Again! When we do that… we will…Bring America Home. ©
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