EARTH DAY: Worship The Creator, Not The Creation!
A rock is not your mother, the earth did not give birth to you and a tree is not your father!
The globalists in the world are persistent in telling us that the world is coming to an end, if we don’t take care and spend billions of dollars, stop populating the planet and cease comforts. They tell us to “rewild” America and put it back to its original uninhabited form before humans (especially those white guys) ruined it all by inhabiting, farming, ranching, establishing cities and towns, and building churches, houses, industries, stores and businesses.
I announced on my show this morning that Power the Future is reclaiming and renaming Earth Day: “American Fossil Fuel Workers Day of Visibility.” While there might be a bit of jest in this, it is serious business when it comes to saving lives; humans, plants, and animals.
There is no climate crisis emergency but there is an emergency regarding those who worship the planet and hate humans. The global elites are out to depopulate the planet to a number they can easily contain and control. They do not believe in private property (unless it’s their own). They believe in a dictatorial-tyrannical form of government. People (minions) are nothing more than peasants and pawns, here to work and make a more comfortable life for the elites. We the peasants will fight their wars and serve them in a manner that so pleases them. They worship no god but themselves!
America was not established to be governed and dictated over by elites or people who see themselves as royalty. Our Forefathers and our Founding Fathers believed in Freedom; freedom of religion (to worship), and personal independence. They believed in Creator God and that our rights and blessings come directly from Him.
“When we view this country in its extent and variety of climates, soils, and produce, we ought to be exceeding thankful to divine goodness in bestowing it upon our forefathers, and giving it as an heritage of their children. We may call it the promised land, a good land and a large – a land of hills and vallies, of rivers, brooks, and springs of water – a land of milk and honey, and wherein we may eat bread to the full. A land whose stones are iron, the most useful material in all nature, and of other choice mines and minerals; and a land whose rivers and adjacent seas are stored with the best of fish. In a word, no part of the habitable world can boast of so many natural advantages as this northern part of America.” Silas Downer (1729-1785) A Discourse at the Dedication of the Tree of Liberty. 1768
The climate change believers are nothing more than globalists and they believe in communism on a global platform. They do not believe in private property. Many Americans do not understand the land; they don’t even know where their food actually comes from. Our youth and others across the globe have been fed a line of fear and doomsday. They are in such distress that they lack hope for their own future. They have been told not to have children or they will doom the planet. This is not only a lie, but also a cruelty to rob these young people of their futures and deny them their own heritage.
I have long said, America from sea to shining sea, is rich with natural resources. There is so much for which we should be thankful. Stewardship of the land is our God given responsibility.
The LORD God then took the man and settled him in the garden of Eden, to cultivate and care for it. Genesis 2:15
It is a land the LORD your God cares for; the eyes of the LORD your God are continually on it from the beginning of the year to its end. Deuteronomy 11:12
And I brought you into a plentiful land to enjoy its fruits and its good things. But when you came in, you defiled my land and made my heritage an abomination. Jeremiah 2:7
The defiling, which the scripture speaks of, is not literally the dirtying or littering of the land, but the people. They lived in great sin and perverted God’s laws for their own pleasures. They turned from worshipping God to worshipping the land and making up gods.
Several years ago, I was studying the book of Jeremiah and was set back in reality when I read this particular scripture. Al Gore had recently published his book, “Earth In The Balance,” and he spoke of Gaia, which is the Earth as a goddess.
“As the thief is ashamed when he is caught, so the house of Israel is disgraced. They, their kings, their officials, their priests, and their prophets say to a tree, ‘You are my father,’ and to a stone, ‘You gave me birth.’ For they have turned their backs to Me and not their faces, yet in the time of trouble they beg, ‘Rise up and save us!’ But where are the gods you made for yourselves? Let them rise up in your time of trouble and save you if they can; for your gods are as numerous as your cities…” Jeremiah 2: 26-28
We debate a great many things these days, but shouldn’t the determination of these debates be that which saves lives and doesn’t take lives? Whether it’s the debate of climate change (the so-called existential threat) or abortion; whether it is the debate over the open-border policy, the fentanyl epidemic or tsunami of crime injuring and destroying this land…the conversation should be directed to how we can save the lives of America’s sons and daughters and make life safer, better and more prosperous for this nation.
What I say about Earth Day: The earth is not a god or goddess, it was created by the one and only God, who created all life! Worship the creator not the creation. Be good stewards but remember how fortunate we are to be in this land!
As Genesis stated, we do have a responsibility to cultivate and care for the land. A cliché from the famous Spiderman movie, “With great power comes great responsibility.” It isn’t so much about the power as it is about the responsibility! As Americans we should care about the land and the people, not sacrifice the people to save the land or the planet.
A rock is not your mother, the earth did not give birth to you and a tree is not your father!
Earth worshippers will always be disappointed in Gaia, for she has no power or authority. Made up gods cannot serve you, yet you become enslaved to serve and save them. You have to polish that newly made idol to keep it shining.
Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness, Property and Prosperity!
For we have been blessed greatly and we should take our stewardship of our land seriously, but we should always remember the Creator. He demands nothing but praise and He gives you peace. “Humble yourselves therefore under the mighty hand of God, that he may exalt you in due time: Casting all your care upon him; for He careth for you.” 1 Peter 5:6-7 KJV
Remember, worship the creator not the creation!
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