Grow Some Independence America
Freedom isn’t freedom when your choices are determined by their policy decisions
The democrats tell us President Trump is a threat to American democracy, yet it is their policies that are removing your freedoms and ignoring your rights. Those in power in America today are so afraid of President Trump actually becoming America’s president, that they are threatening to make sure he never enters the White House again. That is not an attitude of We the People choosing our own leader. If Americans are not allowed to elect the President of their choice, you have no freedom and there is no “Independence.”
If you support social programs and government control, you are supporting communism or Marxism. Each department of bureaucracy is crowded with nearly unfireable-permanent employees, who sit in offices writing mandates and regulations; they sell licenses and permits, and they determine the fines for which to punish you, should you not capitulate to their “laws.” You need also to understand that these bureaucrats never have to live by the requirements and mandates they force upon you. This is all done without “the consent of the governed.”
Before I go any further here, let me once again explain to you that democracy is not what America needs to protect. The democracy “they” speak of is the saving grace of their oligarchy-form of government. The interrelationship between democracy and socialism extends far back into the socialist movement to The Communist Manifesto's emphasis on winning as a first step the “battle of democracy,” with Karl Marx writing that democracy is “the road to socialism.” Keeping that in mind, let us move on and understand how democracy is not in need of salvation, but it is our Constitutional Republic that is in danger and needs to be restored.
As we listen to the Kommunist Kamala Harris, she assures Americans that democrats are all about the labor unions. That might be true, but democrats are not so much about the union workers. She recently chanted “thank a union worker,” to promote more unions, as if non-union members are responsible for no work in America. Unions were established to benefit the worker, however corruption at the top has benefited those union bosses and not the actual workers. The union heads (administration) are all doing fine and are politically spending the Union workers’ money (all those beautiful dues) on politicians in D.C. Does this benefit the union workers? Did the union workers benefit when manufacturing left America?
Not all unions are alike, but it is always the workers, the laborers, the welders, the carpenters, the plumbers, the drivers and many others, who actually do the work that keeps America flowing and growing.
Our current form of government tells Americans they will “fix” things by taking control of everything. Of course, we know that it is this oligarchy form of government that has caused the woes upon which we in America now suffer. However, to “fix” that which they have broken, government now wants to:
Control prices at the grocery store
Control markets
Control wages
Control speech
Control religion…in which there will be a new “imagined” morality
Control the media (you’re not even on a need-to-know basis; you just don’t need to know. They’ll make sure you’re entertained a bit, but no truth will be given, and your knowledge of things will be greatly curtailed.)
Control healthcare; there will be forced insurance under the guise of affordable healthcare. Federally funded and promoted abortion is not healthcare, it is not love of “family” it is not a contraception. If the democrats manage to thieve another election and king Kommunist Kamala makes abortion a federal law, it will only be a matter of time when those little bureaucratic dictators, who believe the planet is overpopulated, will determine how many children you are allowed to have. The federal abortion law will become forced abortions on your daughters and daughters in law. (your sons & daughters) It may seem like an absurd comment, but it has been done before in CHINA. This oligarchy (many of them, including testosterone-free-tampon Tim, who drools over China’s communist regime) will make America Communist. If Americans do not wake up soon, CHINA will be running America, if they aren’t already, due to the compromised Biden cartel.
No School Choice is not freedom. Government schools have replaced education with indoctrination.
A Government that controls every part of your life is not freedom for the people. There is no Liberty in an oligarchy.
Bureaucrats making regulations and mandates SELLING permits and licenses is taxation without representation. It is also unconstitutional…
Under this oligarchy of government we are no longer a Free America. This self-established form of government is fighting to continue its oligarchy control. There are lots of little dictators who will keep your choices away from you and give them to “the government.” Today’s Democrat Party is trying to convince you that the Bill of Rights is not absolute! They tell us that the Constitution is either an “out of date” document or that it’s a living breathing Document. Know this, the Constitution of the United States of America, which includes the Bill of Rights, is a contract! This contract belongs to We the People and is there to restrict “government” not the other way around.
As we enter full speed ahead into the last couple of months of America’s election season, the democrats and their fake news have once again forced a candidate onto the ballot. This time they bypassed the primary, pushed aside many others who wanted to run for president on the democrat ticket. Democracy for the democrats is no candidate choice of the people; not that it would have made a difference in policy, but the people had absolutely no say in the choice of their candidate.
A vote for any democrat is a vote for communism in America. There will no longer be freedom of choice; there will no longer be freedom of thought or of voice.
Kommunist-Kamala will put an end to all freedom in America. She plans to rule by Executive Order and allow the departments of bureaucrats to make the laws and restrictions that will rule and ruin your way of life…but don’t worry, the oligarchy will throw you a bone or two. There are welfare programs (government-controlled bread lines), they’ll provide subsidies for your failing businesses and once in a while they’ll throw in some special grants, which are all paid for by American tax dollars. However, you need to put aside all notions of choices for your wellbeing or your way of life.
A vote for the oligarchy, which is currently run by the democrat party, is a vote for Communism. A vote for Kommunist Kamala and testosterone-free-tampon-Tim is a vote to give up all your rights and freedoms.
A vote for any democrat is a vote that brings to you:
No Life
No Liberty
No Happiness to pursue, nor freedom to choose your way of life.
Freedom isn’t freedom when your choices are determined by their policy decisions.
This election is not Trump’s to lose, it is ours to lose. If we lose this election to democrats, America just might be lost forever!
We the People need to “grow some Independence” and…BRING AMERICA HOME.©
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You missed the actual explanation. It MIGHT be Marxism or Communism you are talking about, but those both demand State ownership of the means of production. What has taken over the Western World is actually Fascism, which is a fraternal twin of Communism, born of the same socialist mother, but modified to enable private ownership under the thumb of the Government. Perhaps reading George Will or Jonah Goldberg's "Liberal Fascism" will provide you with the necessary history to understand. Or, you can read my latest opinion piece to get the quick summary: