The Democrats’ October Surprises Are Lies That Leave the Americans “Democrat Desensitized”
Lies, propaganda and vote thefts are leading strategies in the democrat political playbook
We are entering the final days and ugly-dirty-politics continue to lead, especially with the democrats and their owned media promoting lies and propaganda at the expense of Americans and the nation.
Even the loyalist media is growing discouraged with Kamala interviews and fake-town halls. They feed her (or she feeds them) predetermined questions and yet, Kamala still cannot answer the questions. It seems the more the media try to make Kamala look good, the worse they look, as their blatant biased “reporting” is exposed, and all credibility is lost. Credibility and believability used to be something important in the news industry. In today’s world the news commentators and pretend journalists are paid millions of dollars to come before the people, slant the news, tell lies and with obvious bias promote one political party and agenda over another.
When those lies and deceptions personally hurt others, I believe the media networks and the commentators should be held personally liable.
In one of their latest efforts to make President Trump look like the bad guy, the media reported that he was angered about paying for a fallen hero’s funeral.
Former President Donald Trump's campaign officials, as well as family members of a murdered U.S. Army private, Wednesday accused The Atlantic of publishing "a false smear" against him through an extensive article concerning his relationship with the nation's military and accusing him of reneging on a promise to pay the soldier's burial costs.
In the article, Atlantic editor-in-chief Jeffrey Goldberg wrote that Trump was angered by a $60,000 funeral bill he got from the family of the Texas soldier, Vanessa Guillen, who was killed by a fellow soldier at Fort Cavazos, formerly Fort Hood, near Killeen, Texas, in 2020.
The Atlantic, true journalists, and honest news networks (if there are any) should have done a little research before participating and passing along lies with the intention to interfere with the 2024 Presidential election.
While it will not replace their great loss, in my opinion the Guillen family should soon be made very wealthy. Every media source and every single commentator who repeated the lies of Jeffrey Goldberg should each personally pay the family for the emotional pain they have caused. They should also lose their jobs and broadcasting licenses for knowingly lying to the American people. This behavior is plotted and planned to hurt President Trump with total disregard for the pain it has caused the Guillen family. All the liars should be punished and feel financial pain for what they have done.
Kamala, trying to look all presidential and official, came to a podium in front of her home and announced that General John Kelly said Trump wanted generals like Hitler had (his word alone), and therefore President Trump is unfit for office and should not be allowed in the White House again.
It’s time these lies stop going unpunished!
There’s an old saying, “If you can’t beat them, join them.” However, the democrats and Trump haters believe that at any cost, Trump should not be allowed to be president. Their philosophy is, “If you can’t beat them, eliminate them.” You see, in their democracy the American people have no say! The lies about how President Trump treated the Guillen family, the lie of General John Kelly, the continued lie of General Milley saying Trump called fallen military soldiers “suckers and losers,” and the lies about Charlotte, N.C., “good people on both sides,” are leaving most American people bored and desensitized to the lies.
Democrats’ October surprises full of lies, leave Americans desensitized. “Did you hear that “breaking news?” “Yep, the American says, as he shrugs his shoulders, just more of those ‘I hate Trump’ lies.”
The democrats’ constant lies remind me of the story of the little boy who cried wolf too often and was eventually eaten when the wolf actually did show up!
You might be overdoing it with the lies and the American people, when casting their votes will “eat you alive.” (kill your political career)
Kamala, Tim, Obama, Biden, and the Democrat Party have Hollywood clueless celebrities, republican RINOs, washed up political generals, and rock star perverts promoting and funding them. Kamala’s campaign has MSNBC, CNN, CBS, ABC, and NBC all on her side and working hard to make Kamala look smart, presidential, intelligent and personable; they have tried hard, but she keeps failing them.
President Trump has the grassroots Americans, Elon Musk (once a democrat), and a great many war heroes. News Max and Fox Network tend to lean in favor of conservative policies, which is beneficial to Trump. Both networks will expose the lies that continue to fly from the democrats. They will cover his rallies, town halls and interviews without redacting and editing, unlike 60-Minutes that edited Kamala’s interview and still failed to make her look smart.
Recently Anderson Cooper asked Kamala Harris if she believed that Trump is a fascist, and she replied yes. Maybe he should have followed up with the question, “What is the definition of a fascist?” What a stumbling, stuttering, word salad that might have been!
Fascism is a far-right (can we say radical rather than “right”?) form of government in which most of the country's power is held by one ruler or a small group, under a single party. Fascist governments are usually totalitarian and authoritarian one-party states.
Fascists believe in subordination of individual interests for the perceived good of the nation. (For the good of the whole community? Your Children belong to the community? Those are democrat phrases.)
Fascism is also said to be characterized by a dictatorial leader, centralized autocracy, militarism and forceable suppression of opposition.
Let me see now, it is the Biden Harris Obama administration that has weaponized the courts against President Trump. It was the democrats in Congress that used false documents and lies to impeach President Trump twice. It was democrat Hillary Clinton who paid for the fake Russian Dossier, which was used as evidence to impeach President Trump. It is the democrats who want to pack the Supreme Court (to rule in their favor), eliminate the Electoral College, do away with the filibuster, and allow non-citizens to vote. It is the democrats who have a presidential candidate who did not receive one vote from any American citizen in the primary elections.
Democrats have nothing going for them when it comes to policy. They do not want to make life better for Americans. They want to grow government, usurp the votes of American citizens and legislate enough changes to the Constitution to keep them in power indefinitely; as Obama said, “Fundamentally Change America.” The democrats want open borders to appease favored corporations with cheap labor; that does not benefit American citizens. It is the democrats that cut deals with Mexico and other nations to empty their prisons and the insane asylums and send them to America. That does not benefit the American people; it is killing us with high crimes of murders and rapes, drug trafficking, and human sex trafficking. Yes, the same party that reminds Americans of our “Jim Crow” days, is now promoting “human slave trafficking.”
What they say is what they are! Their accusations of others are in actuality a description of themselves. Their lies claiming President Trump insulted American servicemen and women, is actually a reflection of the disdain they have for our military and all Americans.
My daddy used to say, “People judge you, by the way they are.” So, when you hear the democrats going after President Trump and claiming he’s going to lock up the media or his political opponents; remember it is them who have actually made such claims against American citizens on social media platforms, who post “misinformation.” It is the democrats who are suggesting that the First Amendment must be repealed to protect from “misinformation.” It is this Biden, Harris, Obama administration that has locked up parents for protesting pornography in our grade schools, locked up American citizens for trespassing at the U.S. Capitol on January 6. It is this current administration that has locked up grannies for praying at abortion clinics. It is the democrats who have weaponized our legal system to go after Trump and now they are going after Elon Musk. It is installed President Biden who recently said Trump needs to be locked up! Trump was already president and could have locked up Hillary, but he didn’t. Perhaps he should have!
More lies will be “breaking news,” but Americans are on to the democrats’ game… we shrug our shoulders knowing their words have no truth. There’s nothing new in the political playbook of the democrats, it is the same old lies, propaganda and vote thefts.
Americans are wise and no longer buying the democrat lies. On November 5, “Consent of the Governed” will vote for Liberty and prosperity and Bring America Home. ©
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