The Industrial Complexes Work Against Our Constitution
The Military Industrial Complex, the Media Industrial Complex and the Bureaucratic Industrial Complex all work together to control We the People.
When I was a young girl, I remember hearing my parents talk about how citizens in other countries had government-fixed or government-run medias and were not able to know the truth of the going’s on of their own government business and officials. Knowing how our media is today, and realizing the lies from our not so long-ago yesterdays, (I think even in the late ‘50s or early ‘60s) Americans like my parents were deceived. The difference today? The media commentators aren’t smart enough to even try to hide their lies and political bias. The rest of the story regarding Walter Cronkite is that he too was a socialist; “and that’s the way it was!”
When did America’s Media Turn on America?
We have been witnesses and subjects to a systemically lying media. If you listen to ABC, NBC, CBS, MSNBC or CNN, you will hear the same phrases and jargons from each, as if they received a memo that morning telling them what to say and how to approach a certain topic. All of them said Hunter Biden’s laptop was Russian disinformation. They all talked about the Russian Dossier and said Trump was a Russian agent. They covered the same stories; the public was fed the same “information” day in and day out. Later, when it was proved to all be false, there was silence… and they just went on to the new propaganda of the day.
In his farewell address, President Eisenhower warned against the Military Industrial Complex:
“This conjunction of an immense military establishment and a large arms industry is new in the American experience. The total influence-economic, political, even spiritual-is felt in every city, every state house, every office of the Federal government. We recognize the imperative need for this development. Yet we must not fail to comprehend its grave implications. Our toil, resources and livelihood are all involved; so is the very structure of our society.
In the councils of government, we must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the military-industrial complex. The potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists and will persist.
We must never let the weight of this combination endanger our liberties or democratic processes. We should take nothing for granted. Only an alert and knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial and military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods and goals, so that security and liberty may prosper together.”
We failed to heed his warning and thus America has repeatedly found itself being led into unending wars, leaving our young men dead or wounded, and our nation broke, while the “complex” made money and gained power.
I recently read the words of President Nixon warning us of yet another danger. In an interview from the oral history collections of the University of Georgia recorded in 1983, and preserved by the Richard Nixon Foundation, Nixon said in part:
“Well, they (speaking of media) have much more power than most people would like to think. When we think of the media in this country the problem is that they have a sense of self-righteousness, a double standard on issue after issue, after issue. They can find everything wrong with somebody else but they will not look inside and ever admit that they could be wrong themselves. And what was involved here in the Watergate thing was the unfairness of it. Oh, there was a legitimate thing to investigate, but they refused to balance it.
They allowed their advocacy to get ahead of their reporting, which is their job to do. You know? President Eisenhower in his farewell address wrote about and warned against the power of the military industrial complex.
I didn't get a chance to make a farewell address, but when I get old enough and decide to retire, and I'm not planning it at the moment… But when I get that old, if I make a farewell address, I think I would warn against the media-elitist complex.
You know the media is always talking about the imperial presidency, the power of the imperial presidency. I think we ought to hear a little bit of discussion of the Imperial media and its power. You see: Presidential Power is limited: limited by the courts, limited by the Congress. The media's power is unlimited and some would say, but what about libel suits? Forget it! After the Supreme Court's decision in Sullivan vs New York Times a few years ago, a public figure cannot collect a libel suit against newspaper or television unless he can prove malice and there's no way that that's going to be possible.”
Complex: consisting of many different and connected parts.
As I read both warnings from these two former Presidents, it set me to thinkin’ about the bureaucratic industrial complex our government has become. We are no longer a government “of the people, by the people and for the people.” We are no longer a Constitutional Republic with representation. Yes, we have representatives and senators, but do they represent us? Or do they represent and protect the bureaucratic industrial complex?
President after president and congress after congress continue to put in place (erect) more offices of government departments. These bureaucratic offices issue more mandates, regulations, licenses, permits and fines, adding more power to the government while reducing the freedom and Liberty of We the People.
Grievance #10 in the Declaration of Independence states: “He (the king) has erected a multitude of New Offices, and sent hither swarms of Officers to harass our people, and eat out their substance.”
These bureaucratic offices and departments have grown so large and powerful that they have literally overtaken our government. Even today, as we have a very weak and ill president in Joe Biden, it is not he who is making policy decisions. I suspect that Biden’s cabinet is coordinating (or obeying) those in the bureaucratic industrial complex.
What did our Founding Fathers mean with the phrase, "Eat out our substance?" The phrase means to gradually deplete or take away our resources, wealth, or livelihood; essentially "consuming" our means until we have very little left. It implies a process of gradual exploitation or oppression that leaves people impoverished. The citizens (the people) become nothing more than serfs (slaves) to all the industrial complexes!
The Military Industrial Complex, the Media Industrial Complex and the Bureaucratic Industrial Complex all work together to control We the People. They are the swamp that We the People elected President Trump to drain and dismantle.
Think about it:
Has our health gotten better, or care more affordable, after President Eisenhower erected The Department of Health, Education and Welfare? Did the DOH remove your independence in your healthcare?
Since President Carter erected The Department of Education, the education of American children has gone downhill. History is self-interpreted by activist teachers, math is less important than CRT, and science is reconfigured and reimagined for agendas such as climate change and transgenderism. Group-thinking is encouraged while individual logic and thinking is discouraged. Science is settled for those who are promoting agendas, but in reality, science in its essence is never settled, there is always more to learn and discover.
Is your land in the United States, and your private property safer and more secure since President Harry S Truman erected The Department of Bureau of Land Management? (BLM)
The Department of Energy, which was erected by President Jimmy Carter is a department of great contention these days. The regulations and mandates here have served to handcuff America’s energy resources and producers. They also seek to control your home’s use of energy.
The Department of Environmental Protection Agency was erected by President Nixon. It was originally intended to clean up our air and waterways. We have accomplished that, but the EPA demands more. Working with the DOE they have become bullies into the lives of We the People and those who provide energy and other necessities such as food, homes, water, automobiles and energy.
The Department of Agriculture (USDA) was erected by President Lincoln. Once upon a time the USDA served farmers and ranchers in America. It has however, turned into a welfare distribution program. It no longer protects the farmers and ranchers, but it works with the EPA and the BLM against private landowners.
The Department of Fish and Wildlife was erected by President Theodore Roosevelt, as was The U.S. Forest Service. Both of these departments are there to protect “public” lands. They both will collude with the EPA, BLM and USDA as well as the DOE to restrict or prohibit the use of the land. Government owns the land and We the People are usually not welcome on it. However, they also attempt to claim the rivers and streams that run across the private land.
While many of these departments might have been well-meaning in their beginning, they have drifted away from management and protection responsibilities to trying to control you by selling licenses and permits, issuing mandates and regulations, as if they were laws. Are bureaucrats now lawmakers and lawmakers now simple stewards and guardians of the bureaucratic industrial complex?
Within these departments, bureaucrats initiate life changing policies and mandates that they themselves will never have to adhere to. We the People literally have no representation. They are unelected and do not answer to the people… they answer to the “complex.”
America isn’t about departments; America is supposed to be about We the People and Liberty!
Will this new Department of Government Efficiency, (DOGE) be our rescue from the bureaucratic industrial complex? I suppose time will tell, but I think it’s worth a try! Can Elon and Vivek take the hard businessman’s approach and clean house? Remember it isn’t only about the dollar expenses and monetary waste, it’s about the bureaucracy claiming authority, which Constitutionally they do not have, and seizing the rights, Liberties and properties of We the People, or as our Founding Fathers would say, “Eating out our substance!”
America overwhelmingly and landslidingly elected President Donald John Trump on his promise (again) to drain the swamp, return commonsense to our nation, protect our children and our nation, bring peace through strength in the world and to restore our Constitutional Republic. President Trump cannot accomplish these tasks alone. His cabinet cannot do this alone either. We the People must assist them by holding our elected officials accountable. Those in Congress who push back on Trump’s plans to MAGA are simply guarding and protecting the bureaucratic industrial complex.
We voted in a lot of red! But our obligation does not end at the ballot box; we must never vote and then walk away as if our job was done. Liberty is always in the hands of the people, and it is up to We the People to assist President Trump, and Bring America Home.©
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