When Tim Walz tells you he wants to do away with the electoral college vote and implement “populist” vote elections for America, what exactly does that mean?
When Hillary Clinton, Kamala Harris, Joe Biden and most, if not all, the Democrat Party politicians say they want to censor media and “protect” Americans from “misinformation,” what exactly does it mean?
Knowing that the Democrat Party wants to remove signs of God from all government buildings, ban all public Christian prayers, refer to all Christians as colonialists, as well as white supremacists (regardless of their skin color), and refer to marriage and “family” in a derogatory manner, what exactly does it mean?
When Kamala Harris says she’s in favor of banning all guns, and implementing door-to-door “confiscations” in the form of mandatory buybacks, what exactly does it mean?
When Barack Hussein Obama said he was going to fundamentally change America, what exactly did he mean?
If the Electoral College vote is removed from our Presidential elections, it will be a removal of rural American voices and those of other less populated areas of the country. The larger metropolises (usually run by democrats) will determine the governing policies for all Americans. Even though the city dwellers know absolutely nothing about the land, farming or raising livestock, they will dictate policies over this industry and other industries, about which they are completely ignorant.
Article II – Executive Branch
Clause 1: The executive Power shall be vested in a President of the United Sates of America. He shall hold his Office during the Term of four Years, and, together with the vice President, chosen for the same Term, be elected, as follows
Clause 2: Each State shall appoint, in such Manner as the Legislature thereof may direct, a Number of Electors, equal to the whole Number of Senators and Representatives to which the State may be entitled in the Congress: but no Senator or Representative, or Person holding an Office of Trust or Profit under the United States, shall be appointed an Elector.
Clause 4: The Congress may determine the Time of choosing the Electors, and the Day n which they shall give their Votes; which Day shall be the same throughout the United States.
Tim Walz, as well as the Democrat Party as a whole, are for breaking the rules and removing honesty from our Presidential elections. They ignore the Constitution of the United States and are willing to do away with the Electoral College, which was put in place to level the playing field (voting field) for Americans who do not live in the cities. The Electoral College is only used during presidential elections.
What exactly does repealing the Electoral College mean?
Removing the Electoral College is the disarming of Americans of their voices by making your votes insignificant.
When Amending the Constitution, you need to think ahead to what the “unintended consequences” will be for the citizens. When Congress implemented Amendment 17, the States lost representation in the Senate. Senators are now elected by popular vote, instead of appointed by the State Legislatures, and are therefore no longer held accountable to the State Legislatures, who represent the citizens of each state. Just like the damage that was done with Amendment 17, the repealing of the Electoral College is the disarming of the voices, the votes, and the removing of the representation of American citizens who live in the heartland of America.
Of course, in this year’s presidential election, the Democrat Party is running a candidate who received zero votes from the citizens of any state. It is completely unconstitutional that Kamala Harris is even a candidate for the office of president since she received no votes in the primary. Representation of We the People is not on the agenda of the Democrat Party.
When Hillary and other Democrats make speeches calling for censorship, we might think that democrats carelessly throw words around, but I can assure you, they mean exactly what they say. Their words of control are tossed about with reckless abandon, revealing their twisted, tyrannical ideal of governing. Controlling your words, your thoughts and your faith is to their political advantage. Control is not for the protection of the citizen; it is for the power of the “controller.” It is the means used by tyrants and dictators.
The Bill of Rights
Amendment I
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.
The First Amendment of our Bill of Rights is there to “control” (hamstring or constrain) the government officials from restricting the rights and silencing the voices of American citizens. When you study and understand the “original intent” of our Constitution and Bill of Rights, the laws were based on Christian Biblical laws. As John Adams said, “Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.” Morality and virtue are the foundation of our Republic and necessary for a society to be free. The Democrat Party is not concerned with your freedom, only with their power.
These words and ideas of censoring misinformation, and faith shaming Americans, is a strategic plan being led by the Democrat Party to overthrow our Constitutional Republic. This is the reason democrats are persistently trying to remove God by claiming the Separation of Church and State, and it is why they constantly lead the charge of banning the public display of your Faith from the public arena.
When they speak of censoring all “misinformation” they are truly talking about removing truth and facts that get in the way of their unconstitutional, tyrannical governing practices. (aka lies!)
Silencing your voices and demeaning your faith are steps the Democrat Party are taking to “unofficially” repeal the First Amendment. Free Speech and Freedom of Religion stand in the way of their quest for absolute power.
On January 6, 2021, Americans gathered in D.C. to witness the electoral process as well as exercise their “First Amendment” right to “peaceably assemble.” With agitators planted in the crowd and instigators fueling the tensions, a riot broke out. We’ve been told many lies about that day; the exact facts or truth may never be known to us. We do know, however, that no policemen were killed by an angry mob, but there were several deaths of American citizens that day. We also know that much of the crowd who entered into the Capitol, were ushered in by the Capitol police. There was no insurrection intended and there were no armed and dangerous citizens. We also know that the crowd at the Capitol (in front of the People’s House) gathered there before President Trump’s speech. Many of them weren’t in attendance of the President’s speech and in his speech that morning, President Trump called for peace. The constant talk of an insurrection is a complete and total lie perpetrated by Democrats and helped by many Republicans including VP Pence. In my opinion, the real “insurrection” was that which was taking place inside the Capitol as they proceeded to verify fraudulent votes.
Censorship of American voices, by government determining what is true and what is not true, is unconstitutional and is the stripping away of our First Amendment! Removing your First Amendment Rights is exactly what they mean.
Amendment II
A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.
The Second Amendment is there to assure American citizens have the right to defend themselves against “the bad guys” and against a tyrannical government. There is only one reason for a government to want to disarm its citizenry. All that we have witnessed in the past many decades, should cause us all to be very protective of this Right. Remember our rights are not given to us by Congress, government or even the documents for which they are written; our Rights come to us from Creator God. Yet another reason for the Democrat Party to deny Creator God. We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. If the separation of church and state is as the Democrat Party would have us believe, why then did our Founding Fathers word the Declaration of Independence so eloquently giving acknowledgement to Creator God?
What exactly does it mean when politicians speak of repealing or restricting the Second Amendment? They are about to go full-blown tyrannical! If Americans ever give up “their right to bear Arms,” the future of America’s children will be that of government serfdom.
When Barack Hussein Obama promised to Fundamentally Change America; what exactly did he mean? We should have all recognized this statement as “anti-America and anti-American.”
The definition of “fundamental” according to “Merriam Webster’s” dictionary.
Fundamental - serving as a basis supporting existence or determining essential structure or function.
basic - The Constitution ensures our fundamental rights.
serving as an original or generating source
of or relating to essential structure, function, or facts:
radical Fundamental change.
A fundamental change of America is the stripping away of your basic rights, as they are given to you by God and confirmed in The Bill of Rights.
A fundamental change of America is the removing or repealing of the Constitution of the United States. For the last many years it has served their purpose to simply ignore the laws of the Constitution, for which there has been no serious push back led by the opposing political party: Republicans.
A fundamental change of America is the denial of “Consent of the governed,” and the belief in government over people. Obama has led the charge in the nearly complete disregard of our Constitutional Republic, and of We the People “owning our own government.”
Fundamentally changing America began the true insurrection of America’s governing structure. One president in my lifetime who has refused to conduct a peaceful transfer of power, is Barack Hussein Obama. Obama was behind the spying on Trump’s campaign in 2016, and Obama was behind the framing of General Michael Flynn. (He knew too much about Obama’s and possibly VP Biden’s foreign entanglements)
Obama knew about and obviously approved of the Hillary paid-for Fake Russian Dossier; the framing of President Trump.
Although Obama was not in the White House, he stayed near and led the charge to obstruct President Trump’s policies and administrative nominations, when Trump was President.
It is Obama and Biden we have to blame for Iran being close to having nuclear weapons and the attacks on Israel.
It has been Obama’s influence in today’s administration’s DOJ, FBI and other bureaucratic departments “going after” President Donald J. Trump.
It is Obama’s influence that has led America’s open border policies, to hurt and punish Americans, and possibly initiate the final blow of the destruction of our nation.
Obama and the Democrat Party serve the elite and not the average working Americans. It was in 2008 when Obama was caught in an uncharacteristic moment of loose language. Referring to working-class voters in old industrial towns decimated by job losses, the presidential hopeful said: “They get bitter, they cling to guns or religion or antipathy to people who aren't like them or anti-immigrant sentiment or anti-trade sentiment as a way to explain their frustrations.”
Obama not only wanted to (and continues to lead this process) fundamentally change America, he has a real disdain for Americans.
When you destroy the foundation of a house or any structure, the building will collapse. It is the same consequence with a nation. Destroying its foundation, history, governing documents, laws, and culture, will eventually crumble that nation and … America will cease to exist.
Being alert and wise to what these politicians say and knowing just exactly what they mean, is the first step for Americans to understand the dangerous gravity of our political crisis in America.
When I end each of my radio programs “Bring America Home,” I’m talking about America restoring our founding lost principles, raising up our Constitution and standing for Freedom and Independence.
Americans must stand up for God, Family, Country, and yes cling to our guns! Knowing who we are as a nation is the only way we will Bring America Home.©
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