1 Comment

Beth Ann,

Good article, however, they hated Teddy Roosevelt and for the reason you state, but what did Teddy Roosevelt want? He was foundationally a socialist, and was in my opinion the worst President of the 20th century because he gave credibility to the "progressive" movement.

Socialism is foundationally atheistic, and it was in his day, and that didn’t play well in America, so they called themselves progressives to disguise who and what they really were. They made a conscious decision to deliberately deceive America, and Teddy Roosevelt had to know.

Both he and America's first fascist president, Woodrow Wilson, subscribed to the concept, “L'État, c'est moi”, I am the state, and both believed the Constitution was and impediment to human progress.

Roosevelt and Wilson led the way to where we are now. So, what he wanted was to change who had the power and control, not end it. Roosevelt has been inappropriately iconofied politically. He was smart, he was an intellectual, he was arrogant, and he, just as his cousin Franklin, passed laws dealing with changing the nation's economy, and both were economic illiterates who wasted their inheritances on amazingly bad investments.

Rich Kozlovich

Paradigms and Demographics

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