Beth Ann, The two party Tyranny, is due to the "Hamilton Innovation of 1796" where the 2 June 1787 Delegate James Wilson, later first Justice, Plan for State Appointment of Presidential Electors by Popular Vote within State defined districts, not a State-wide "district" as is done with the "Take All" plan begun in 1796 for Hamilton to defeat his arch-rival Thomas Jefferson.

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Beth Ann, Again, thank you for your wise words. One bone to pick, Jefferson, Madison, and Burr did NOT form the "Democratic Republican Party", they formed the Republican Party. The term "Democratic Republican Party" is not to be found in the writings of either Madison or Jefferson, that is a false construct of the Academia and Media to give legitimacy to the current day Democrat Party, that could be called the Demoncrat Party, because it is Demonic to kill babies in the womb (or outside the womb as Democrat former Governor of Virginia "Dr". Ralph Northam revealed he has done.)

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